Essay (author: Abbie Weaver)
We currently live in a society that is very technological advanced, we are constantly surrounded by new inventions, and are always being introduced to ideas for new creations. These creations are thought to aid in helping make situations easier for individuals. Although new inventions do often times help make the lives of those they impact easier, and more efficient, are new inventions really the best option for every aspect of life? What if we, as a society put more time into analyzing, and making the inventions we do already have safer? We could further learn about inventions that are already put into use, and put laws into place to ensure these inventions are best for all of society.
New creations draw so much attention because they are known as the newest thing that just hit the block, and are seen as a status symbol by so many. People can’t wait when a new iPhone hits the shelf, and often times dish out hundreds of dollars to hold the best new thing. Unfortunately, it seems as though people don’t bat an eyelash when it comes to buying a car seat for their child. They often choose the cheapest option without worrying too much about the safety standards that come along with that piece of equipment. If people don’t do research when buying a car seat think about how little effort, they put into remembering to carry around such a piece of equipment when using public transportation. In today’s fast-paced, ever moving world many individuals don’t think twice about stepping onto a bus, or into an Uber with a child, forgetting immediately car seat laws even exist.